Eldar Dire Avenger rune Eldar Dire Avenger rune

eldar dire avengers

I have two full squads of 10 standard Dire Avengers. Most of the squad members have been assembled without modification. I have included some female Dire Avengers, made using parts from the Guardian kit and some other minor conversions to add some variety to the poses. The Dire Avengers were the first miniatures that I started to paint in earnest.

date: 2007 - present (work-in-progress)
components: Dire Avengers, Green Stuff, female Guardian torsos, Dire Avenger Exarch shuriken pistol arm
colour scheme: Dire Avengers colour scheme (PDF), Basing colour scheme (PDF)

see also:
Female Eldar Dire Avenger
1. I created this female Dire Avenger using one of the torsos from the Guardian kit.
2. This second female Dire Avenger was converted to look as though she is reloading her weapon.
Eldar Dire Avenger conversion
3. This Dire Avenger was converted using the shuriken pistol arm from the Exarch.
Eldar Dire Avenger conversion close-up
4. A close-up of the sculpting work on the arm, which was necessary after removing the forearm-mounted shuriken pistol.
Eldar Dire Avenger
5. Although this Dire Avenger is still a standard squad member, I added a tabard to represent that he is further along the path to becoming an Exarch than his comrades.
Eldar Dire Avenger colour scheme
6. Using a paint scheme template that I created, I experimented with several different colour schemes in Photoshop before settling on this one for my Dire Avengers. There will be a slight variation in the colours used for the helmet crests to differentiate between the two squads.
Eldar Dire Avenger
7. This Dire Avenger was the first miniature to be painted. The colours used at this stage were Astronomican Grey, Chaos Black, Liche Purple and Regal Blue.
Eldar Dire Avenger
8. At this point the Dire Avenger has been roughly basecoated, with shading, detailing and highlights still to follow.
Eldar Dire Avenger
9. Most of the painting has been completed at this stage. The armour has had a wash of Blue Ink, followed by a further layer of Regal Blue, then highlights of Ultramarines Blue and a 1:1 mix of Ultramarines Blue and Space Wolves Grey. The black areas have been highlighted with Shadow Grey only. The white areas were built up with thin washes of Skull White. The purple details have been highlighted with progressive mixes of Space Wolves Grey and Liche Purple.
Eldar Dire Avenger
10. A view of the Dire Avenger test mini from the rear.
Eldar Dire Avenger
11. Another angle of the Dire Avenger test miniature, showing the detail on the targeter.
Eldar Dire Avenger
12. The completed test miniature. It has been painted, a transfer applied to the right kneepad, varnished and based. I have also applied gloss varnish to the gems and lenses.
Eldar Dire Avenger
13. Happy with the colour scheme, I continued with the rest of the first squad.
Eldar Dire Avenger
14. Rear view of the 2nd completed Dire Avenger.
Eldar Dire Avenger
15. 3rd Dire Avenger.
Eldar Dire Avenger
16. 4th Dire Avenger.
Eldar Dire Avenger
17. 5th Dire Avenger.
Eldar Dire Avenger
18. 6th Dire Avenger.
Eldar female Dire Avenger
19. The sole female Dire Avenger in the first squad.
Eldar Dire Avenger
20. 8th Dire Avenger.
Eldar Dire Avenger
21. 9th Dire Avenger.
Eldar Dire Avenger
22. 10th Dire Avenger.
Eldar Dire Avenger squad
23. My first fully completed squad of miniatures.

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