Eldar Morai Heg rune Eldar Morai Heg rune

eldar shrine to morai-heg

This piece of scenery was based on the small statue of Morai-Heg that was supplied with the plastic Howling Banshee models.

date: 2020 - 2021 (complete)
components: 1x Morai-Heg statue, 32mm round base, plasticard, Green Stuff, Lego dish

see also:
1. In Eldar mythology, Morai-Heg had Khaine cut off her hand so that she could taste her own blood and gain knowledge from it. This shrine depicts her with her amputated hand on a cord around her neck and a small jewel hanging from her left wrist to represent a drop of falling blood.
Eldar shrine to Morai-Heg
2. Rear view of the small shrine.
Eldar shrine to Morai-Heg
3. The shrine has been undercoated at this point. A round, shallow dish will be added after it has been painted, which will be filled with blood as an offering to Morai-Heg.
Eldar shrine to Morai-Heg
4. The offering bowl was made using a Lego dish, with Green Stuff added to represent the rippling surface of the pool of blood.
Eldar shrine to Morai-Heg
5. The completed shrine.
Eldar shrine to Morai-Heg
6. Another view of the shrine.
Eldar shrine to Morai-Heg
7. The shrine to Morai-Heg.
Eldar shrine to Morai-Heg
8. Rear view of the shrine.
Eldar shrine to Morai-Heg
9. A close-up of the statuette of Morai-Heg. I opted not to use edge highlights as the effect that washes achieved alone was satisfying.
10. Close-up view of the blood-filled offering bowl. I worked hard to represent the blood's changing colours - the centre of the dish is deeper, so the blood appears darker and near-black. At the edges, where it is shallower, the blood is much brighter. Small pinpricks of white and the use of gloss varnish help to give the impression that it is reflective.
Eldar shrine to Morai-Heg
11. A Howling Banshee, alongside the shrine of the goddess that granted Khaine the Aspect of the Banshee.

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