Illic Nightspear rune Craftworld Alaitoc rune

illic nightspear

master ranger of craftworld alaitoc

This is a fantastic miniature - the only real change that I've made is to place him on my last remaining Revenant Titan mask to make a more interesting and imposing scenic base.

date: 2013 - present (work-in-progress)
components: Illic Nightspear, Forge World Revenant Titan mask, 60mm round base, Green Stuff, cork, coiled brass wire

see also:
1. By heating the model and slightly deforming it, it sits on the curve of the Revenant Titan mask perfectly.
Illic Nightspear conversion rear view
2. Rear view of the model.
Illic Nightspear conversion scenic base
3. The completed moss on the scenic base.
Illic Nightspear conversion scenic base
4. Rear view of the moss, modelled in Green Stuff on the scenic base.
5. The completed conversion of Illic.
6. Rear view of the conversion.
Illic Nightspear conversion undercoated
7. The model has now been undercoated.

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