eldar phoenix lord fuegan
the burning lance
I'd previously attempted a conversion of Fuegan that I wasn't happy with. This second attempt was a lot more successful; I decided to emphasise the dragon design elements rather than try to obscure or remove them.date: 2016 - present (work-in-progress)
components: 1x Fuegan, 1x Fire Dragon Exarch firepike, 1x Fire Dragon, 1x Wraithblade power axe, 1x plastic Farseer scenic base, 1x Dark Elf Black Ark Corsair cape, brass rod, White Milliput, Green Stuff, 40mm round base
see also:
The dated Fire Axe was replaced with a Wraithblade axe.
The cabling from the Fire Pike was extended using Green Stuff around a short length of curved brass rod.
The replacement Fire Pike barrel from the Exarch model.
The clenched fist was drilled out so that the handle of the axe would fit through.
The Wraithblade's fist was cut away and the butt of the axe handle reattached using brass rod.
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