Eldar Dark Reapers Exarch rune Eldar Dark Reapers rune

Eldar Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra

the harvester of souls

Of all the Phoenix Lord miniatures, the sculpt of Maugan Ra has stood the test of time the best and so required virtually no modification. I decided to have Maugan Ra standing on top of a rocky ledge - since the Dark Reapers are used primarily in a support role, it made sense to me that their Phoenix Lord would want a commanding vantage point from which to rain fire on the enemy lines.

Date: 2008 - present (work-in-progress)
Components: 1x Maugan Ra, Green Stuff, small stone, cork, 40mm round base

Eldar Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra on scenic base
2. A view of the conversion of Maugan Ra from the rear.
Eldar Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra scenic base
4. I've added a variety of skulls to the base.
Eldar Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra scenic base
5. Skulls on the rear of the base.
Eldar Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra
6. The completed conversion of Maugan Ra.
Eldar Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra
7. Maugan Ra, ready to be painted.

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