Eldar Dark Reapers rune Eldar Dark Reapers rune

eldar dark reapers

squad 1

These metal Dark Reaper miniatures are good, but the skull-like elements on the helmets look a bit silly; these were smoothed over using Green Stuff. Additionally, there were only two poses created for the standard squad members, which was a bit limited. To that end I converted two of the four to differentiate the models a bit with some new poses.

date: 2012 - 2023 (complete)
components: Dark Reapers, Green Stuff, brass rod

see also:
1. I split two of the Dark Reapers at the waist to rotate the torsos and create new poses.
2. This Dark Reaper was assembled as standard.
Eldar Dark Reaper
3. A second standard Dark Reaper.
Eldar Dark Reaper conversion
4. This third Dark Reaper was converted to create a different pose, by cutting it apart at the waist and twisting the torso.
Eldar Dark Reaper conversion
5. A second Dark Reaper conversion. The torso was removed from his legs, repositioned, pinned and then glued in place. Green Stuff was used to fill in the resulting gap.
Eldar Dark Reaper conversion
6. An example of one of the undercoated Dark Reapers.
Eldar Dark Reaper conversion close-up
7. A close-up of the converted Dark Reaper helmet. I'm very pleased with how the faceplate looks - the removal of the skull features makes the helmet more similar to other Eldar designs.
Eldar Dark Reaper conversion close-up
8. The completed squad, awaiting painting.
Eldar Dark Reaper squad conversion concept
9. Using Photoshop I created this colour scheme concept for the Dark Reapers. It is largely monochrome, with blue accents to tie in to the Miruaun craftworld colours.
Eldar Dark Reaper
10. The first completed Dark Reaper.
Eldar Dark Reaper
11. The monochrome armour has turned out nicely; the few blue elements and the scenic base add a splash of colour.
Eldar Dark Reaper
12. Rear view of the model. The blue sash and top-knot tie into the craftworld colours.
Eldar Dark Reaper
13. I wanted to emphasise the exoskeletal armature that allows the Dark Reaper to wield such a large weapon, so I picked it out in silver. This makes it stand out from the black and grey armour.
Eldar Dark Reaper
14. A close-up of the Reaper Launcher. I was pleased with the shading on the fluted launch tubes and the silver details.
Eldar Dark Reaper
15. I updated the paintjob on the first Dark Reaper when I was working on the remaining three squad members; the highlights were improved, the helmet was tidied up a bit and I added some detail to the Reaper Launcher muzzles.
Eldar Dark Reaper
16. A rear view of the updated paintjob on the first Dark Reaper.
Eldar Dark Reaper
17. The second squad member, now complete.
Eldar Dark Reaper
18. Rear view of the second squad member.
Eldar Dark Reaper
19. The third squad member.
Eldar Dark Reaper
19. Side view of the conversion, highlighting the rotated torso.
Eldar Dark Reaper
20. Close-up rear view of the painted model.
Eldar Dark Reaper
21. The fourth and final standard squad member.
Eldar Dark Reaper
22. Rear view of the fourth squad member.
Eldar Dark Reaper squad
23. A group shot of the entire squad, with their Exarch.

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