Eldar Craftworld Miruaun rune Eldar Craftworld Miruaun rune

Eldar Shadow Cruiser

Craftworld Miruaun has a long history of working with (and occasionally repelling) Corsair fleets, so it made sense to me that some Corsair vessels would end up as permanent additions to the Miruanian navy. I made a few minor alterations to this Corsair Shadow Cruiser, adding a magnetised flying base and replacing the gun barrels.

Date: 2019 - 2020 (complete)
Components: 1x Battlefleet Gothic Eldar Shadow Cruiser, brass rod, Green Stuff, White Milliput, neodymium magnets, transparent flying base (60mm diameter)
Colour scheme: Craftworld Miruaun Battlefleet Gothic colour scheme (PDF)

Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
1. The assembled Shadow Cruiser. This was the first of my Battlefleet Gothic vessels to be assembled.
2. A close-up of the prow gun batteries. I carefully cut away the original metal barrels and replaced them with short lengths of brass rod. This was done to allow the barrels to be elevated, rather than lying flat on the hull. This isn't possible (or practical) to replicate on the smaller ships, but on the cruisers it produces a nice effect and I think is worth the effort.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion command tower
3. I added some brass rod to the command tower. These could be communications antennae or small towers. These extra details help to convey a sense of the scale of these enormous ships.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
4. A close-up of the supporting pylons of the solar sails. White Milliput was used to smooth irregularities in the surface of the metal.
5. The underside of the vessel. Quite a lot of subtle changes were made here.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
6. The underocated model, ready to be painted in the colours of the Miruanian navy.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
7. The fully painted cruiser in all its glory.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
8. Starboard view of the Shadow Cruiser.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
9. Portside view.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
10. Dorsal elevation.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
11. Ventral view.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
12. A close-up of the forward torpedo tubes and detailing on the underside of the prow.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
13. A view of the rear of the ship.
Eldar Battlefleet Gothic Shadow Cruiser conversion
14. Alternate angle of the vessel.

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