Eldar Transports
The Eldar Transport model that Forge World produced for Battlefleet Gothic is hard to come by these days, so I was delighted to secure a set of five of them through an eBay auction.Date: 2020 - 2021 (complete)
Components: 5x Forge World Battlefleet Gothic Eldar Transports, Green Stuff, White Milliput, neodymium magnets, transparent flying bases (40mm diameter)
Colour scheme: Craftworld Miruaun Battlefleet Gothic colour scheme (PDF)
- Eldar Haven Spire
- Eldar Void Stalker Battleship
- Eldar Phoenix Ship
- Eldar Dragonship
- Eldar Wraithship
- Eldar Nimbus Cruiser
- Eldar Shadow Cruiser
- Eldar Eclipse Cruiser
- Eldar Aurora Light Cruiser
- Eldar Solaris Light Cruiser
- Eldar Aconite Frigates
- Eldar Hellebore Frigates
- Eldar Nightshade Destroyers
- Eldar Hemlock Destroyers
- Eldar Shadow Hunters

1. The five transports were supplied already undercoated, but needed a lot of remedial work as mould lines, imperfections and warped resin needed correcting.

2. A close-up of one of the transports. Mould lines are clearly visible on the dorsal ridge running the length of the ship.

3. Underside of one of the transports.

4. Rear view. The solar sails were badly warped and had to be reshaped using boiling water.

5. This model has now been fully prepped to my standards - you can see all of the areas where the primer has been stripped back through sanding or filing to remove surface imperfections and mould lines. Green Stuff was also used to fill in some air bubbles and to fix the tips of the engines and solar sails.

6. All five transports, now ready to be painted. Although they had been advertised as being in a "ready to paint" condition, it still took several hours of work to get them all to a standard that I was happy with.

7. The first of the five transports to be fully painted, in my Craftworld Miruaun colours.

8. Port-side elevation of the completed transport.

9. Starboard-side view.

10. Dorsal view of the first painted transport.

11. The second painted transport.

12. The third transport.

13. Fourth transport.

14. The fifth and final Eldar transport.
15. All five of the Eldar transports. I'm pleased with the consistent application of the paint scheme across the models.
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